Method Process Safety
Functional Safety Lifecycle

Hazard Study 0 and Hazard Study 1

Hazard Study 0

In short, Hazard Study 0 asks the question : ”Can the process be made inherently safer by changing for less hazardous materials or processes?” The aim of inherently safer design (ISD) is to make sure that even if things do go wrong, the process is still safe. An example of ISD is to make a vessel strong enough to withstand the highest pressure it could ever encounter, rather than protecting it in other ways such as by installing pressure relief.

Hazard Study 0 considers these inherent safety issues to see if safety can be improved at this early stage in design by, for example, using less toxic reactants, less flammable solvents, or equipment that is “safe by design”.

Hazard Study 1

HS1 is best carried out when the basic process flow is known. (All that is needed is a block diagram showing the different processing steps. A full PFDProcess Flow Diagram is not required.) HS1 aims to identify the major hazards present, the main control measures required and the main health, safety and environmental legislation applicable to the project.

The cost of a change

the cost of change

As can be seen from the diagram above, the early-stage hazard studies (HS0/1/2) make good economic sense as well as good safety sense, because it is still relatively cheap to make changes at this stage, compared with later in the design.

What =Method can do for you

Process Safety Lifecycle

SIL Determination

Most recent projects for HS0 & HS1

Project to perform a Hazard Study 1 (HS1) for the proposed High Level Lancing (HLL) application at steel manuafacturing site. As an early-stage hazard study, HS1 describes the main hazards of the project, the main safety control measures required, and the next steps needed to implement the project safely (e.g. which subsequent hazard studies are required).

Industry: Mining / Metal / Cement
Topic: Hazard Study 0/1 - Inherent Safety and Initial Hazard Review

A "Hazard Study 1" review to determine safety issues associated with a change of recipe (a trial to test the use of a different solvent) in a chemical process. The study scope included hazards associated with the change to the new solvent and the change back to the existing solvent.

Industry: Chemical
Topic: Hazard Study 0/1 - Inherent Safety and Initial Hazard Review

=Method conducted an informal review of the clients hazard study 1 documentation and suggested areas for improvement, working with the client to improve their processes for the future.

Industry: Chemical
Topic: Hazard Study 0/1 - Inherent Safety and Initial Hazard Review

A HS1 was carried out for a new abatement system which highlighted gaps in knowledge of hazards and raised actions to better understand the chemical processes and potential hazards involved.

Industry: Chemical
Topic: Hazard Study 0/1 - Inherent Safety and Initial Hazard Review

=Method provided feedback on a HS1 completed by the client, suggesting areas of improvement.

Industry: Mining / Metal / Cement
Topic: Hazard Study 0/1 - Inherent Safety and Initial Hazard Review

View all of our recent projects here

Initial Conceptual Design & Feasability Study

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